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The Nuclear Waste Disposal Issue's of Today.

There is over 77,000 tons of radioactive nuclear waste scattered throughout the United States at reactor sites (Kintisch, para. 2). This waste is awaiting transport for storage. In recent news, the United States government has shut down the plans to store nuclear waste at the disputed Yucca Mountain site. This site was intended to store all of the national’s radioactive nuclear waste which lasts essentially forever compared to our lifetimes. The disposal of nuclear waste is highly debated throughout the scientific and political fields. There are differing ideas of which disposal method is best for getting rid of the radioactive waste.

This website will discuss the administrative, as well as, scientific decisions that have been made and should be made in order to find a safe and viable disposal method for potentially dangerous radioactive waste. 


How has government implementation of nuclear waste disposal changed due to anti-nuclear sentiment as well as systematic findings? How is the United States government going to handle the nuclear waste pile up?

"Yucca Mountain South Crest" from the Department of Energy. View to the south of Yucca Mountain crest showing coring activities From the Department of Energy 

The BADGER explosion on April 18, 1953, as part of Operation Upshot-Knothole, at the Nevada Test Site "Operation Upshot-Knothole - Badger" Photo courtesy of National Nuclear Security Administration / Nevada Site Office

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